Research Papers

We will present research papers on important topics. To suggest a topic, use Contact Us.

  1. Does Choice among Health Insurance Providers and Policies improve Insurance outcomes?

For most individuals, there is choice among many insurance providers and policies. For this system to work well, providers must be able to set prices that accurately reflect risk and buyers of health insurance must be able to not only understand their health risk, but they must also be able to understand what they are buying. A common belief is that competition (many providers and choices) will increase efficiency and improve outcomes for consumers

Read the research paper to learn why more choice (competition) does not improve efficiency of the system or improve outcomes for consumers of health insurance

2. Medicaid Expansion and Rural Hospitals

Rural hospitals and rural communities in states that did not accept Medicaid expansion are significantly hurt. This includes Wisconsin

3. Poverty and Child Health

The reasonable goal of equal access to health care requires not only providing insurance coverage, but also addressing the other problems associated with poverty.

4. Gun Violence and Health

Each year in the U.S., there are an overwhelming number of deaths by gun violence. One way to address this crisis is to treat gun violence as a health problem and to treat guns the same way we treat other consumer products—limiting access to them, holding their manufacturers accountable for harm they cause, and requiring safety mechanisms and other means of protecting public health and safety. Firearms are the only consumer product manufactured in the U.S. not subject to federal health and safety regulations.