Party Platform Positions

Party Positions on Healthcare


We believe the Affordable Health Care Act should be repealed in favor of free market solutions.

We support proposals to reduce the rising costs of health care that can burden many individuals, families, and employers.

We believe in free market solutions to bring down the cost of health care such as transparency, charity, portability, competition among insurers, and tort reform.

We believe individuals should not be subject to government health care mandates or face penalties, and the federal government should not violate the doctor-patient relationship. Health care should always honor the sanctity of life.


Donald Trump

Trump administration and 18 Republican governors and attorneys general will file their opening briefs with the Supreme Court in California v. Texas—the health care repeal lawsuit. The lawsuit, criticized across the political spectrum as a “badly flawed” case, threatens to upend the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and strip 23.3 million Americans of their health coverage, according to new CAP analysis—about 3 million (15 percent) more than was forecast before the coronavirus pandemic. The anti-ACA agitators who initiated the health care repeal lawsuit, backed by the Trump administration, continue their attempts to dismantle the ACA, including its coverage expansions and consumer protections, amid the pandemic, during which comprehensive health coverage has never been more important. Millions of Americans who have lost their jobs and job-based insurance due to the current economic crisis are relying on the insurance options made possible by the ACA to keep themselves and their families covered.



Access to affordable, quality health care is a right and the best solution to our national health care crisis is a single‐payer system.  Such a system must provide universal access for individuals of all ages, promote preventive measures, provide medications, therapy and cover all physical and mental illnesses equally.  Until that system is available, we support broader coverage and increased funding for the current health care programs on local, state and national levels, including BadgerCare, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veteran’s Administration.

Personal moral, religious, and medical decisions should be left up to the competent individual.  We believe in freedom of reproductive choice, family planning, and the individual’s right to choose death with dignity including physician‐assisted end‐of‐life.  Everyone has the right to timely obtain medications, properly and legally prescribed by their health care provider, from any licensed pharmacy

Funding for stem‐cell research should be supported on its scientific merits.


Joe Biden

Immediately after its passage, Congressional Republicans began trying again and again to repeal it. Following the lead of President Trump, Republicans in Congress have only doubled down on this approach since January 2017. And, since repeal through Congress has not been working, President Trump has been unilaterally doing everything he can to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Now, the Trump Administration is trying to get the entire law – including protections for people with pre-existing conditions – struck down in court.

As president, Biden will protect the Affordable Care Act from these continued attacks. He opposes every effort to get rid of this historic law – including efforts by Republicans, and efforts by Democrats. Instead of starting from scratch and getting rid of private insurance, he has a plan to build on the Affordable Care Act by giving Americans more choicereducing health care costs, and making our health care system less complex to navigate.

Party Positions on Healthcare